nut free kids nut allergy safe seed butter spread

Best Seed Butters for Moms with Kids That Have Nut Allergies

Best Seed Butters for Moms with Kids That Have Nut Allergies

As a busy mom who cares about her kid’s health, you don’t want to stop at the nearest fast food joint to refuel your babies after school, while running errands on the weekend, or bring allergy-laden snacks to a friend’s birthday party, but what can you do? Ever try to get a six-year-old to eat a handful of broccoli? If you’re lucky, they’ll politely decline instead of telling you why they’d rather have ice cream instead, all the while, staring at you with disbelief that you’d suggest such a thing to begin with. If you want a tasty, healthy treat for your kids that won’t result in eye rolls and stifled giggles, nut-free, gluten-free snacks aren’t as hard to find as you’d think. Nut-free butters, like Mother Butter, can keep the kiddos happy without sending you into a guilt fit. 

Why Super Seed Butters?

Nut butters or super seed butters provide a huge dose of nutrition, without exposing your kids and their friends to nuts. Many children have nut allergies these days or have regulated diets that can’t contain gluten, high levels of sugar, and other dietary concerns. Mixed seed butters like cocoa seed butter, sesame seed butter, pumpkin seed butter, and flax seed butters contain minerals, healthy fats that kids need for energy and development, fiber to keep them full between meals, and protein to help their muscles grow. Lucky for you, Mother Butter puts those all together ;). Healthy seed butter is the perfect alternative to peanut or almond butter for those with nut allergies.

nut free kid seed butter alternative to nutella

Alfie LOVES Chocolate Mother Butter as a healthy alternative to Nutella

Why Seeds are a Super Food: Fit for Guilt-Free Snacking

Mother Butter's seed butter spreads are made from a foundational healthy mix of organic pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds and sesame seeds. Our original flavor contains a bit of coconut sugar and sea salt for a sweet and salty finish, while our chocolate contains raw cacao. Why did we pick this particular group of seeds for our foundation? That’s easy. These seeds are jam-packed with good stuff like Omega 3s, fiber, protein, magnesium, magnesium, copper, and other trace minerals. This makes Mother Butter, 100% nut free, perfect from moms who have kids with nut allergies (not to mention for mom herself). Here’s the nutrient breakdown of the super seeds you can find in Mother Butter:

Flax Seeds: Instead of giving your kids fish oil, Mother Butter is vegan and contains the same essential fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that our bodies make into Omega 3s, often supplemented with fish oils, but with questionable ingredients, with one in ten oils that are sold in big box stores being “rancid,” with excess oxidation. Flax seed is a much healthier source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and they’re vital to your kids’ brain health!

Fiber also keeps your kid’s blood sugar levels stable, unlike the unhealthy snacks they might get elsewhere, full of high fructose corn syrup and simple carbohydrates which can cause blood sugar spikes, followed by a subsequent crash - and the culprit behind your son or daughter running around like a wild beast until they crash in a fit of tears in a grocery store aisle. Flax also contains B vitamins like thiamine, niacin, and folate and important minerals like magnesium, phosphorous, and copper which are often absent from our modern diet. 

Pumpkin Seeds: Just like flax, pumpkin seeds contains protein, healthy fats like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, fiber, to help promote good digestion and a host of healthy vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin seeds are one of the best plant-based sources of magnesium. They also contain iron, zinc, potassium, vitamin K, and other antioxidants like vitamin E and phytochemicals known for protecting cells from free radical damage. 

Sunflower Seeds: Joining flax seed and pumpkin seed, sunflower seeds are another super seed containing solid nutrients that your kids need. You can find protein, fiber, healthy fats including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorous (ideal for bone health and energy metabolism) as well as potassium. You can also find vitamin K, vitamin E, and phytochemicals fit for a happy kid and their mother too. 

Sesame Seeds: Rounding out the super seed combination here is sesame. These tiny seeds contain calcium (perfect for those with lactose intolerance), iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, and phosphorous. Sesame seeds also contain vitamin B1 (Thiamine), vitamin E to round out their nutrients.

These seeds combine to provide a power-packed nutritious snack. That's why they’re the main ingredients in Mother Butter!


MOMS: Mother Butter is produced is a 100% nut free, gluten free, facility. So you can rest easy knowing we are not risking cross contamination for those with nut allergies. 

Why Indulge in Nut-free Butters?

If you’re a busy mom looking for a healthy alternative to feed your kids on the go, you don’t have to worry about protein bars and other fast-health foods that often contain allergens. Try Mother Butter instead and feed your loved ones a nut-free health food they’ll enjoy as an alternative to peanut butter, almond butter, hazelnut butter, Nutella and other nut butters that your kids can’t enjoy. Check out all of our fun-filled recipes, or share simply as a sandwich or by the scoop!

From my family to yours, try Mother Butter today!

mother butter founder kristin dudley and children
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